Friday, May 26, 2017

HIFFofNJ Official Entries & Schedule

Noche de Apertura
Viernes, 2 de Junio, 2017
Programación de Proyección

7:00 PM         Alfombra Roja
8:00 PM         Ceremonia
8:30 PM         Proyección:  NOW! de Eliecer Jimenez Almeida
8:40 PM         Proyección:  El Super de Ivan Acosta
                        “After Party”

Programación de Proyección
Sábado, 3 de Junio, 2017

SALA # 1

Proyección de Largometrajes

11:00 AM       Silk City Falls - Mario López (1:30.00) USA/Cuba         
12:35 PM       Locos y Peligrosos  - William Colmenares (1:33.00) Venezuela

2:15 PM         Donde Quiera Que Vayas - Danilo Arroyo (1:45.00) USA/Rep. Dom.

4:05 PM         Translúcido - Leonard Zelig (1:30.54) Venezuela  

5:40 PM         Y A Dios Que Me Perdone - Angel Muñiz (1:43.46) Rep. Dom.

SALA # 2

Proyección de Cortometrajes


Holy Cleanse - Larry Rosen (3.00mnts) USA
On The Bench - Nabil Viñas (5.59mnts) USA
Tisure - Geyer Vargas (13.00mnts.) Venezuela  
Dejamour - Maria Fría y Isabel Bretón (9.00mnts) Rep. Dom.
Claire - Miriam Paulino (17.00mnts) Puerto Rico
Algun Dia Sera – Undelaibery Peña (10.00mnts) USA
Gris - Joseph Hamilton (19.22mnts) Rep. Dom.                               

Presente Perfecto - Yorjina Moran (5.00mnts) Rep. Dom.
Glue - Alex Méndez Giner (3.00mnts) USA
Hasta Pronto - Karina Blancovi (12.18mnts) USA
Second Scape - Larry Rosen (8.00mnts) USA
Delirante - Soraya Mateo (15.00mnts) Rep. Dom
Juego de Lobos - Andrés Delzo (33.00mnts) Perú   

El Nacer - Fernando Medina (2.12mnts) USA
Yo Creo en Manuel - Inti Maité (5.00mnts) Rep. Dom.
Uncertainty - Mo Zapata (15.40mnts) México
Mi Sangre - Joseph Hamilton (18 .00mnts) Rep. Dom.
Acto Final - J.P. Henao (15.27mnts) Colombia
El Vuelo de los Cangrejos - Bhima Gandica (11.41mnts) Venezuela


My Country, My Home - R.D. Cruz (9.41mnts) Argentina
My Relationship with the Moon - Evgeniya Radilova (15.00mnts) México
El Niño - Valeria Valentina Bolívar (17.00mnts) Venezuela
Malas Decisiones - Ronny Canario (14.59mnts) USA
Angeles Rotos - Lia Chapman (13.48mnts) España      


El Seno de la Esperanza - Freddy Adrián (19.30mnts) Rep. Dom
3 Semanas en NY - José Carlos Gomas (31.00mnts) USA
Friendship - Rosie Berrido (28.00mts) USA

6:30 PM

Conferencia con Rosie Berrido y Leonard Zelig
“La muerte con dignidad”


Proyección de Documentales

Lago Enriquillo… Preludio Del Cambio Climatico – Fernando Báez (1:10.00)


Detrás de una utopía - Schisell Joaquín (30.00mnts)       
Paiting Linda - Lucio Fernandez (24.17mnts)
Un trabajo digno  - Yuby Hernández  y Ben Nager Sadoff  (3.38mnts)


Buhonero - Carla Franchesca (9.42mnts)
Melodía En Sepia - Olga Consuegra (13.53mnts)
Voices From a Falling Empire - Ayram Edery (59.00mnts)

4:00 PM

Conferencia con Eliecer Jiménez Almeida
"Historia del cine o el cine como historia... Cuba - Estados Unidos"
Presentación de dos cortos que llevan por título “Now!”
“Now!” (1965) de Santiago Alvarez (1965)
- tema de los derechos civiles en los EEUU
“Now!” (2016) de Eliecer Jimenez Almeida
- realizado 50 años después, y tiene por tema los derechos civiles en Cuba.

Cierre del Festival

7:00 PM         Alfombra Roja
8:00 PM         Ceremonia y Reconocimientos
9:00 PM         “After Party”

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Live Music by Tonny Luis & NYCN Band

The Opening Night of the Hispanic International Film Festival of New Jersey will feature Live Music by Tonny Luis & NYCN Band, as well as DJ Alfonso.

It's going to be a rocking' good time!!!

HIFF of NJ @ Union City Museum of Art

Get ready to walk the Red Carpet at the Union City Museum of Art @ The William V. Musto Cultural Center.

Finalists to be Announced

Tomorrow, May 25th, 2017 we will announce the Official Entries of our festival.

Hispanic International Film Festival of NJ

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Opening Gala

Opening Night Gala 
Hispanic International Film Festival of New Jersey

Friday, June 2, 2017

Red Carpet at 7:00 PM
Festivities and Screenings beginning at 8:00 PM

Union City Museum of Art
@ William V. Musto Cultural Center
420 - 15th Street
Union City, NJ

Hispanic International Film Festival of NJ

Hispanic International Film Festival 
of New Jersey in Union City

Seeking Entries for 2017

(Union City, NJ)  The City of Union City will host the Hispanic International Film Festival of New Jersey on June 2nd & 3rd, 2017.

Submissions are being accepted in all categories. (NO pornography please.)  Accepting both short and feature films.  Those interested may submit their film in DVD format, along with a cover letter, synopsis, film credits, awards if any, and contact information to:

Commissioner Lucio P. Fernandez
Department of Public Affairs
3715 Palisade Avenue
Union City, NJ 07087

Attn: Film Entry 

Please include in the cover letter that the entry is being submitted by the property owner or licensee, and giving the City of Union City the right to publicly screen the film as part of the Hispanic International Film Festival of New Jersey.

Please note, DVD's will not be returned.  

Entry deadline is Monday, May 22, 2017 (no exception). 

No fee.  No Application form required.  Foreign language films accepted. This is a juried festival.  Please include if this is a "World Premiere", "USA Premiere", "New Jersey Premiere", or "Union City Premiere".  All entries will be considered. Finalists will be notified via e-mail.  Please write on DVD cover: contact person, email, and genre.